Android Hình Nền Sống


Red Ray

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Red Ray Hình nền Trực tuyến Android

Get Robot Eye live background on your screen. Absolutely free!

This live background was made by gang of indie developers in support of the RedRay project. It is an indie game in developement for mobile devices.


• New scary dark wallpaper. Surprise your friends with creepy cyborg eye in your pocket.
• Free of charge. No advertisement.
• Smooth animation with magic touch effect.
• Brings back the memory of outdated school 8-bit video games.
• Сool interactive screensaver with black and red colour scheme.
• НD resolution. Works perfectly on phone and tablets, both portrait and landscape view.
• Tap wherever you want and the evil eye will follow you. It is always watching you.
• Еasy setup. Just few taps and this iron monster lives in your smartphone.
• Based on the upcoming inderpendent game about invader from outer space. Be the first one to look into the eye of giant robot Red Ray.

About the game:

The Red Ray game is about a giant robot invader like in sci-fi movies of 60s. This alien destroys everything in it's way, and small planes and tanks are trying to prevent it. Нelp this monstous giant conquer our planet.
More information can be found in our Twitter page:
Follow to support the project.

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