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Sonic Store

Sonic Store

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Sonic Store Android Trò chơi

Download Sonic the Hedgehog games

Sonic Store is an excellent app for anyone who loves classic SEGA games that feature the famous supersonic hedgehog Sonic. With Sonic Store, you can download nine installments of this famous game franchise.

The way Sonic Store works is very simple. When you start the app, you'll see nine games available for download: Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic Dash, Sonic Dash 2, Sonic Jump, Sonic Forces, Sonic Hedgehog 4 Episode I, Sonic Hedgehog 4 Episode II, and, finally, Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing. The only thing you have to do is decide which of these games you want to play and tap the download button. Then you'll be redirected to your browser, which will display a Drive link that you can use to download the game. Accept the download, install the APK, and that's it! You can start playing the game!

With Sonic Store, you can download these nine games for free and play with one of the most widely recognized video game characters in the world: Sonic the Hedgehog.

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